Vicki has been working with 2-D surfaces for the last 40 years. She received her BFA in painting at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado in 1979. Following the completion of a summer residency program at Skowhegan School of Painting in 1989, she completed her MFA in painting at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado in 1990.
My imagery up until a few years ago included abstract images of vessels—containers and boats have been a big theme. In the last few years I’ve been fascinated with images of text; I began by taking tons of photos of letter images; graffiti, ancient tombstones, carved markings on walls. On the one hand, I abhor how spray-painted images and carvings have even made their mark on trees. What is the obsession with making one’s mark? And yet, we have a fascination with the ancient markings of petroglyphs. My interest in juxtaposing human marks with marks of nature lead to the pastel series “MOHMON”—Marks of Humans, Marks of Nature. Despite abhorring marks everywhere, graffiti text has its own beauty. I also love how the English language in text has evolved over many centuries. Everything is in a state of motion and flux. We’re continuously on the move and nothing is permanent; and yet we seek an illusion of permanence through our marks. My more recent work combines ancient text as well as current graffiti images.
I have found that my art informs my work as a Feldenkrais and Somatic Experiencing practitioner®, and that my work in these fields informs my art. My study of motion comes alive in both pursuits. The ability to create options and resolution when choice is not apparent is an underlying theme in both art and life. Images, like stories, are reiterated, refined and renegotiated.